Cincinnati Babyhead

Speaks his mind on music & movies!

Album: Santana

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The jungle beat on the opening cut sets the tone and Cincinnati Babyhead was hooked.  Bongos, drums, bass,  organ build a groove and then the guitar kicks in and it sounds great.  They do this twice and on the second guitar bit he really cuts loose.

Drums and percussion open up ‘Evil Ways’ and the band joins in with a cool groove.  The vocals come in and add a cool touch “My house is dark and my thoughts are cold..” Stir up some images.  Great organ, percussion. Love this sound.  Band jams out at the end with some wicked guitar licks on top.

We get some cowbell and more percussion on the third cut with some great guitar and then it’s right into the next tune.

Percussion and drum city for ‘Savor’.  Bass and organ joining in to pick up the tempo.  ( Cincinnati didn’t get any drums on the last album “he spoke his mind on” but he gets them here, bigtime )

Bongos lead us into a heavy jungle beat with the organ laying it down.  It builds and then boom!  Guitar.  What a great sound.  Then some voice, more like a chant that adds to the feel.  Babyhead is loving the ‘Jingo’  More bongo, heavy beat, organ then the searing guitar again.  The band got in the groove and kept it going.  Crank it.  Killer.

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Side two opens with ‘Persuasion’ Santana just keeps the music coming at you.  No letting up.  These guys like to build then explode.  “You got persuasion, I can’t help myself..”

‘Treat’ takes it down with a slow, subtle piano joined by an easy drum and a little guitar.  Jazzy, cool sound.  Then it starts to pick up and away we go.  Babyhead dug this one.  Great music.  Piano kills it with guuitar jumping in for some nice work.  What a groove on this one.  They pull it back down again at the end.  So cool.  Yeah a ‘Treat’

Heavy, heavy sound for next cut.  Heavy beat and CB was digging it.  Hard edge.  Bass lays it down.  Lots of great guitar. ” You, you just laugh at what you do” ” You don’t care ”  Turn it up.  Not a bad cut on this record.

‘Soul Sacrifice’ starts with bongos, drums jump in, bass follows and organ set another heavy beat.  They get right into it.  Guitar and organ really go to town.  Killer sound.  A CB fave.  Great music.

Lots of percussion and organ. Steady bass and drums and ripping guitar. Real cool music.  These guys can play.  CB never gets tired of it.  Cool album cover also.

So catch the beat and let the music take you.  Blow your mind.

Get junglefied.  Babyhead did.  He couldn’t help himself.


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This entry was posted on January 17, 2016 by in 1969 Albums, Rock N Roll, Santana and tagged .
