Cincinnati Babyhead

Speaks his mind on music & movies!

Single: Suzie Q. – CCR

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Cincinnati Babyhead loves this bad ass song.

Drums start it and the band catches the groove and then we get  “Oh Suzie Q  Oh Suzie   Oh Suzie Q  Baby I love you Suzie Q……Like the way you walk  I like the way you talk…” Then we get that greasy guitar.  Man CB liked this sound.   He felt this one.

Killer groove, killer voice, killer guitar. Short version, long version, all good.  Long version you just get more of a good thing.

1st Creedence Clearwater Revival song Babyhead heard and he dug it.  Instant like.  Yeah.

Great Rockn’ Roll song.  Hard and greasy.

One of the worlds coolest songs. ( CB’s world anyway )

“OH Suzie Q….baby I love you Suzie Q”


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This entry was posted on January 17, 2016 by in 1968 single, CCR, John Fogerty, Rock and Roll and tagged .
