Cincinnati Babyhead

Speaks his mind on music & movies!

Album: John Mayall -The Turning Point

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Intro of the band is made and then the bass sets the beat and away we go. The music grabbed Cincinnati Babyhead right off the bat especially the sax.

Change of pace from the guitar driven, hard music CB had been listening to but there was something about it that he dug.  It wasn’t heavy  but it had something.  A feel.  It was a cool sound and CB liked it.

The 2nd cut has a  kinda  dreamy sound.  Flute and guitar.  Yeah flute and it works.

J.B. is a slow blues number with guitar and bass that picks up when the sax kicks in.  What a cool sound.  Great sax solo. CB just wanted it to be longer. (CB is a life long member of the sax loving club)

‘So Hard To Share’. Great bass line with the sax helping out.  CB loved the sound on this one.  Mayall’s voice is perfect. “Where are you girl?’  Almond’s sax does a number and the bass keeps it going.  Did I say CB loved the sax?  He loves this tune.  The kind a midnight DJ would slap on, in fact the kind of album he would slap on with no commercial breaks.

download (13)

‘California’ starts with another solid bass line along with a raspy sax.  Cool music.  They  keep in this groove for a while with Almond laying down his sound.  Then he busts out with the flute.  Harmonica joins in.  Long jam but good.  More cool sounds.  Bluesy, jazzy.  Sounds good.

‘Roxanne’ is next and these four guys continue to make good music.

‘Room To Move’ jumps right into a fast pace and doesn’t let up.  CB was up shaking a leg to this one. “Can’t get message unless I got room to move”.  Mayall’s turn to cut loose and he goes for it.  Great work.  Great tune and a great way to end the album. “I’ll be circulating cause that’s the way I am”

The audience on the date loves it and so does Babyhead. No drums but still a meaty full sound.

Lots of good liner notes on the back cover. (Mayall’s name was on liner notes of an earlier album CB had listened to)

This album opened up CB’s musical tastes some more.  He was lucky to stumble across this one.  Cool music that he just dug.  A fave.

Throw it on and enjoy it.  Great record!!


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This entry was posted on January 3, 2016 by in 1969 Albums, Blues rock, John Mayall and tagged , .
