Cincinnati Babyhead

Speaks his mind on music & movies!

Single: Born To Run – Bruce Springsteen

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Thousands of influences go through Bruce Springsteen and this is what explodes out.  ‘Born To Run’.  Rock n roll Springsteen style.  Cincinnati Babyhead knew this was coming and when it finally did, Boom! it was something special.

Energy, power, romance, everything you need in a rock n roll song.  Ernest “Boom” Carter’s pounding drums and Clarence Clemons sax were waiting for this moment.  Babyhead was blown away.

One big celebration of rock n roll.  Bruce Springsteen style.  What a song!!

“Come on Wendy….”

2 comments on “Single: Born To Run – Bruce Springsteen

  1. Tangled Up In Music (by Ovidiu Boar)
    July 25, 2016

    One of my all-time favorite songs. The quintessential Springsteen experience, with everything that made him great packed into these 4 minutes.


  2. cincinnatibabyhead
    July 25, 2016

    You know it OB. Keep your ears and mind open. Lots of good stuff out there. CB


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