Cincinnati Babyhead

Speaks his mind on music & movies!

CB Eats A Lot Of Popcorn


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Here’s a list of films I’ve watched lately. Hey a few were actually made after W.C.Fields was a star. Feel free to change the title of this take. Also throw a few flicks CB’s way. I always welcome anything you folks have enjoyed watching. Oh … I gotta go the popcorn is overflowing and popping all over the place. Shit what a mess. Later.

A Hidden Life

download (88) Beautiful but harsh. I’m a Malick guy.


The Lighthouse

download (89) Messed up but I liked it. Do not kill a seabird,


The Platform

download (90) Someone’s bad dream.


The Irishman

download (91) I had to. Pesci was the ticket for me.


Night Porter

download (92) Missed it first time around.


Short Eyes

download (95) Saw it when it was released. Play adapted into a film.


Miles Davis Birth Of The Cool

download (96) Had to. Thanks Doc.


I Am Evil Knievel

download (97) My Hero. Real good doc. You have to see it to believe it.


Shepherds And Butchers

download - 2020-05-25T230345.832 Hard harsh watch.


I Called Him Morgan

download (98) Another tough jazz doc. Thanks Neil.



download - 2020-05-30T153753.530 Liked this doc.


El Camino

download - 2020-05-30T153705.220 Had to


The 12th Man

download (99) Really liked this one. Put on some warm clothes.


Bad Day For The Cut

download (100) I liked this one also. Get an interpreter.


The Snowman

download - 2020-05-25T101157.001 Grab something hot to drink


Ballad Of Buster Scruggs

download - 2020-05-25T101307.882 I like the Coens. Some good bits.


Better Call Saul Season 4

download - 2020-05-30T153907.631 What can I say. I like this show. Like a 20 hour feature film.


The Command

download - 2020-05-25T101351.814. Pretty good action movie. I like a sea/sub story.


The Fury Of A Patient Man

download - 2020-05-25T101608.742 Really liked this one


Black 47

download - 2020-05-25T101518.096 An Irish duster. It’s good.



download - 2020-05-25T223337.472 Worth a watch for me.


Cold Sweat

download - 2020-05-25T230511.972 Saw it when it came out. Watched it again. I like fromage.


The Resistance Banker

download - 2020-05-25T223437.296 Really good.



download - 2020-05-25T223510.559 Despite missing half the dialogue I laughed my head off.


Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels

download - 2020-05-30T153938.588 Some good laughs in this one also.



download - 2020-05-25T223551.851 Revenge action if you’re into it


Phantom Thread

download - 2020-05-25T224403.565 CB loves movies about the fashion industry. Right up his alley.


Chasing Trane

download (94) Didn’t disappoint


Saturday Night Sunday Morning

download (93) Loved this flick. Arthur was a beauty. Finney is great.



download - 2020-05-30T223112.488 Some high brow stuff. “I got a plan” Drive in flick.


41 comments on “CB Eats A Lot Of Popcorn

  1. Francisco Bravo Cabrera
    May 31, 2020

    Looks like a good bunch CB…I’ve only seen The Irishman from your list but I’ve jotted some names down that I’ll be looking for…thanks and enjoy yer Sunday!

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      May 31, 2020

      A couple were filmed in your part of the world. Thanks for dropping by. Curious to see what you have for Tuesday,

      Liked by 1 person

      • Francisco Bravo Cabrera
        May 31, 2020

        Yes, there are some very good ones of Spanish cinema lately, saw one last night called in English “Boy Missing” (Secuestro in Spanish) from 2016…a good one. Also “The Legacy of the Bones” (supposedly a trilogy) the first part was called the “Silent Watcher”, I think, in English but the third part is pending Phase 3 here in Spain. All the best,

        Liked by 1 person

      • cincinnatibabyhead
        May 31, 2020

        Thanks Francisco. I will definitely check those out. Thanks. Always looking for films that dont get the promotion behind them.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Francisco Bravo Cabrera
        May 31, 2020

        Great CB and all the best!


  2. Heavy Metal Overload
    May 31, 2020

    Some interesting stuff. Want to see The Lighthouse and some of those jazz docs are intriguing. And I didn’t know about the Evel Knievel one, that looks great!

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      May 31, 2020

      The Knievel one is good. I’ve seen a few on him but this gives a real taste of what a different cat he was. The Morgan doc was all new to me. I knew his music but .. what a story. Really liked the Coltrane one. Worth watching on my end. Later HMO.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. 2loud2oldmusic
    May 31, 2020

    Now that is a lot of movies and quite a variety. I would love to see the Knieval one as I loved him back in the day. I had the toy motorcycle. And Tremors, man, I always seem to stop the searching when I come across that one on TV no matter how many times I’ve seen it. A bunch on here I want to see and a few I already have.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      May 31, 2020

      I wont ruin the Evel doc but they go into the action figure thing. So much off the wall behavior. An original crazy man. I would say that you’d like the film. I sure did.
      Tremors. I cant put into words why I like it but I do. Had a few laughs. Never got to the sequels. Thanks for dropping by.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Jim S.
    May 31, 2020

    That’s a lot of movies. Haven’t even made my way through your last list. I’ve seen several. One that jumps out is ‘Phantom Thread’ which I believe Daniel Day-Lewis said will be his last film. That’s been on the ‘to-watch’ list.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      May 31, 2020

      ‘Phantom Thread’ is the same director/actor combo that did ‘Let There Be Blood’. Different style but I liked it. Performances were great. Lewis is such a good actor. I wanted to slap him.


      • Jim S.
        June 1, 2020

        Yeah, he’s great. ‘Blood’ was crazy good too. I’ll check this one out.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cincinnatibabyhead
        June 1, 2020

        because of the genre this probably didnt make a lot of noise (Im not in touch so I dont know). Knowing your eclectic taste I think the Doc would find lots to like. Good film making.


      • Jim S.
        June 1, 2020

        The critics liked it, not so sure the public noticed it.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. deKE
    May 31, 2020

    CB you win best title of a post for this week! Good morning laugh.
    Better Call Saul is a great series. Kinda got out of it and than back into it.
    Currently into season 4 of The Wire. Such a great series.
    Thanks for sharing what you have been watching.

    Liked by 3 people

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      May 31, 2020

      Glad the take title gave you a chuckle. Did it set the craving for popcorn?
      Took me a while to get to season 4 of Saul but once I got there I was in. So much good stuff in that show.
      Might have to look at ‘The Wire’ see what you’re onto. Later deKE

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Yeah, Another Blogger
    May 31, 2020

    That’s a lot of movies!

    Echo In The Canyon is a pretty good music doc. So is Standing In The Shadows Of Motown. If you haven’t seen them, there’s a good chance you’d like them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      May 31, 2020

      And all in one weekend (not really).
      Yeah, the Morgan doc was quite the story. Good watch. ‘Shadows Of Motown’ has been on the radar for a while. I guess the Neil nudge will help me pull the trigger. Thanks

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Sarca
    May 31, 2020

    Hey CB. I didn’t enjoy the Lighthouse – definitely not my cuppa!
    I recently watched a film called “Werewolf” – Canadian flick about a young couple on methadone. I thought it was quite good. Slow burn. It might be a little too calm for CB though.
    I wouldn’t mind seeing Cold Sweat. We’ve watched the Death Wish films and I am really enjoying Bronson. Already told Mars to look out for this one.
    Anyway, laterz!

    Liked by 2 people

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      May 31, 2020

      Yeah Mars and I had a little convo on ‘Lighthouse’. More than a few folks would be reaching for the eject button.
      Just checked out the trailer for ‘Werewolf’. I love those indie films. Thanks I will check it out. A friend of mine was in something that looks similar. ‘Solars Point’ I think you might like it.
      I’m a huge Bronson guy but ‘Cold Sweat’ is not one of his better ones. Quickly shot in Europe and badly dubbed. I’m probably the only person in the world who’s seen it twice. Beware.
      Thanks for dropping by and giving your perspective. Appreciate it. Later Sarca.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. BuriedOnMars
    May 31, 2020

    Better Call Saul is the best show on TV right now… I can’t tell if you enjoyed The Platform or not… I can’t get into Guy Richie but I did enjoy Lock Stock… Tremors is one of my all time favs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      May 31, 2020

      Saul is just good. Totally agree. same page. I think I dropped a comment on “The Platform’ when you reviewed it. I liked it. Dont know much about Guy but enjoyed both those. I guess I was in the mood.
      The Gal and I are doing the at home “Drive – in” movie thing. Tremors was perfect.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. cathydpm
    May 31, 2020

    Hi CB! Thanks for the list as I am always looking for new movies. Just saw ‘The Painter & The Thief last night which was a great doc. I’m going to watch ‘Short Eyes’ tonight because any time a play is turned into a movie it almost guarantees that it’s going to be good. Thanks for the list! C. Mack

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      May 31, 2020

      Looked at the trailer of ‘The Painter’. I’m in. Getting involved with a junkie/thief is usually a bad idea but I’ll have to watch to find out. I’ve seen that scenario play out before. Several times.
      ‘Short Eyes’ isn’t an easy watch. CB liked it. Some good raw performances. It feels like a play. Plus you feel the environment. Im 50/50 on plays adapted to film. You have an open mind C Mack. Thanks for popping in. And for the film tip. I love docs.


  10. 1537
    May 31, 2020

    Saturday Night … What an amazing film. Right up there for me, that one.

    Watched a very good doc last night called ‘Skid Row Marathon’, full of toil, hope and redemption.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      May 31, 2020

      Oh man! Just watched the trailer for ‘Skid Row’ right up my alley. It had me right away. That’s the stuff I’m looking for. Thanks fella.
      Ok. We are over due for your film take. You’ve threatened before. Time to pull the trigger and give a film the 1537 works! I was going to do ‘Sat Night/Sun Morn’. It’s such a good film. I’ll never get to all the films that I absolutely love.

      Liked by 1 person

      • 1537
        June 4, 2020

        Brilliant. It’s moving without being too manipulative. I think the main judge dude is an absolute hero and Americans should make him king immediately.

        I promise I will do one CB, I am a bit unreliable though. Could do Robert Altman’s ‘Short Cuts’ I love that one.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cincinnatibabyhead
        June 4, 2020

        I love that street level stuff 1537. Yeah it can get a little “cue the violins” but this one looks like it just tells a real story. Thing is, there are so many people out there like that judge who are doing things to make a difference and not just shooting their mouths off. Bitchers, moaners, pretenders etc bore the shit out of me (CB’s getting a little riled up. I’ll stop) Stories like this keeps CB on the right track. Thanks. Great stuff
        ‘Short Cuts’ that would be very cool. An off the radar flick and Altman to boot. I have the soundtrack to that. I had to have it for Annie Ross. You will pull the trigger “I can’t let that headcase CB have all the fun”


  11. hotfox63
    June 1, 2020

    Interesting potpourri, CB! Saw “The Nightporter” years ago. This movie is probably about what they saw in the U.K. presented about the third Reich without being there or reading the reports of contemporary witnesses: Uniforms and sexual abuse of detainees – the actors’ performance is very good, the plot cracked.

    “Saturday Night Sunday Morning” is probably one of the best “‘Kitchen Sink Dramas”. A perfect capturing into 1960s “ordinary” Britain with “homely” houses, smoky pubs, down to earth banter and the neighbors chatting with their hairnets. I also recommend the book by Alan Sillitoe.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      June 1, 2020

      I was disappointed in ‘Porter’ Fox. Expected a lot more. Enough said.
      I love those similar films to ‘Sat Night Sun Morn’. Stripped down and gritty. Not everybody’s cup a tea but CB digs them. I love a lot of Finney’s work.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Tony
    June 2, 2020

    That’s a whole bucket of pop corn. D’ya like dags?

    Liked by 1 person

  13. badfinger20 (Max)
    June 4, 2020

    I remember Tremors…that was the first monster movie I showed Bailey…fun movie.
    I have got to see the Evel Knievel and Miles David documentaries. I want to see that Charles Bronson movie also. A Hidden Life, The Irishman, Lighthouse I liked a lot. In the Irishman, it was great to see them all back together again.
    Many here I’d like to check out.

    When I was working from home…I watched all of Barney Miller, WKRP, and a few other TV shows from the seventies.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      June 4, 2020

      Cool that you remember the ‘Tremor’ watch. I think my gang seen that together also.
      The Kneivel’ doc is a good one. I think there’s better stuff on ‘Miles’ out there. Beware of the Bronson flick. He pumped out a quickie over in Europe. It would be one of those films they would tag as the second feature at the drive-in. ’12TH Man’ is beautifully shot. Bailey would get something out of that one
      I was plugged into the Flintstones..

      Liked by 1 person

      • badfinger20 (Max)
        June 4, 2020

        I covered a lot of Eastwood films (can’t beat the Man with No Name Trilogy ) in the past year and I was moving to Bronson. Love the Flintstones man. Looking forward to the Kneivel flick…I know nothing about Miles…I’ve just read anecdotes about him.
        Appreciate it….He asked me the other day if you reccomended any more…he is searching for the 12th Man now.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cincinnatibabyhead
        June 5, 2020

        I’m making my way through and around your site. I’ll get to the movies (CB’s a sports guy also) and other things. Yeah Clint has some good ones. Bailey would dig the Leone camera work on the trilogy. Plus ‘Unforgiven’ is beautifully shot. I do love the outside shooting, the big vistas that Lean caught but I do like that 70’s grit of NY that films like ‘French Connection’ caught. ‘Far From Men’ is a beautifully shot film and a good story. The camera tells most of it. Bailey might dig that one also.
        ‘Hard Times’ is my Bronson favorite.
        All the films on this “Popcorn” list are pretty decent. Not CB’s style to run music/film down. A couple should have got the full take treatment but I have so many to get to. A couple i was disappointed in. I think you might guess which ones buy my few words attached. Hey, thanks for tuning in Max. I was going to drop a couple comments on your site but got into the “guitar history” take and forgot the others.

        Liked by 1 person

      • badfinger20 (Max)
        June 5, 2020

        The first western I showed him was the trilogy. That spoiled me on westerns for a while. It’s just so damn good. I love that seventies New York feel also…the French Connection, Taxi Driver, Mean Streets…I showed them to him when he was 15…the wife didn’t like it but she will live lol.

        I just check out the first Death Wish for the first time a month or so ago…I loved it. Ok man Hard Times it is.

        I don’t do good movie reviews but I try…I don’t want to give the end away.
        Thanks for the movie recommendations…yea for Bailey but for me also lol. Thanks man.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cincinnatibabyhead
        June 5, 2020

        Death Wish is a good one. When Charlie was doing some good stuff.
        If the movie reviews are like your music takes were in good hands.
        Yeah those westerns kinda set the bar high for sure. That’s funny about the other half. I really recommend Far From Men for Bailey. Viggo M is in it. Later. Death Wish is up for a re-watch. Thanks.

        Liked by 1 person

  14. dcw0731
    June 5, 2020

    Thanks CB now I got that damn popcorn song stuck in my head again.

    Liked by 1 person

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