Cincinnati Babyhead

Speaks his mind on music & movies!

Music Single : The Replacements – Take Me Down To The Hospital

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Songs like this are why I like Rock n Roll and why I like the Replacements. Everything they do on this cut I dig. What a great band. The song sounds like a car that’s out of control. The guitar is wicked. Westerberg sounds like he’s really hurt. When I first heard this I absolutely was blown away. How couldn’t I like these guys. What a great period for music. A kick in the ass by the Replacements. Nothing slick here just 4 guys doing what they want.

This is that out of control rock n roll that CB digs. It takes about two seconds for the boys to get up to top speed. “OW! Ow! Ow! OOOW!”

26 comments on “Music Single : The Replacements – Take Me Down To The Hospital

  1. greenpete58
    October 22, 2018

    They were a musical bright spot in the 1980s, especially their album “Let it Be.” I never got into MTV much, but one of my favorite videos is a Replacements song where the entire video is a large speaker sitting on a floor, with a guy lying on a couch. No moving images (maybe one dog strolling around). Just good music. No BS.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      October 22, 2018

      I never seen the video but you have me curious. Yeah I lost interest in videos really fast. The Replacements did so many things I liked. The music being number one. No BS like you said.


    • cincinnatibabyhead
      October 22, 2018

      Just found that video ‘Bastards of the Young’. Yeah I like that. I would stick my head inside speakers all the time so I know that view.


  2. J.
    October 23, 2018

    “The song sounds like a car that’s out of control”. Great description, CB. I don’t know an awfy lot of The Replacements, but they did things right. A glorious racket.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      October 23, 2018

      Oh yeah J. They are a special band. Not pretenders at all. Not a poser bone in their bodies. All that is refreshing but the bottom line is they make a great “glorious racket” (rock n roll). Well put fella. That is a perfect description. We are coining the phrases today.

      Liked by 1 person

      • J.
        October 23, 2018

        That sincerity in their music is what draws me to Westerberg. He’s a helluva music man.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cincinnatibabyhead
        October 23, 2018

        J here’s a clip from a doc i seen on the band. It is worth a watch and will give a good feel of what they were about as far as the way they did things. They certainly didn’t do themselves any favors with record companies etc. I like their style

        Liked by 1 person

      • J.
        October 24, 2018

        I’ll be looking out for that – ‘potentially true story’. I like that.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cincinnatibabyhead
        October 24, 2018

        Hard to find. I want to watch it again.

        Liked by 1 person

      • J.
        October 24, 2018

        The best ones usually are. I’ll have a look about the information superhighway.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Jim S.
    October 23, 2018

    Good tune but I never really got into these guys. For some reason not on my radar but I know a lot of people love ’em Oddly I saw them open up for Elvis Costello once and I suppose there were as many – if not more – there for Westerberg and crew as for the angry young man.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      October 24, 2018

      I wouldn’t want to have been Elvis with a bunch of Replacement fans frothing at the mouth. At least he could deliver some good rock n roll himself. Go Sox!
      (I seen you did a Boz (another guy that went nice) and friends post. Be over later to mouth off. Go Dodgers!)


      • Jim S.
        October 24, 2018

        CB plays it safe. I was telling (I think) Christian that I’m headed to Fenway tomorrow for first ever Series game. Watch for me on tv. I’ll be the tall guy, kinda short, though, in the bleachers with the bald hairy spot.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cincinnatibabyhead
        October 24, 2018

        Man I’m so envious of that one Doc. I’d take a ticket to a World Series game ahead of most things. I’m torn I like both teams. So many good players. But I do have a couple that rub me the wrong way. Price and Michado. I like Joe Kelly “Fight Club” a lot and Mookie. I love the fall ball. I hear the Replacements were hockey fans. Make a sign for the seventh inning stretch.”It’s me CB”


      • Jim S.
        October 24, 2018

        I’ll be wearing a toque.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. keepsmealive
    October 25, 2018

    Replacements! YES!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Tony
    November 8, 2018

    Great take, as always, CB. Love the Replacements and always have a good bounce in my seat to this track

    Liked by 1 person

  6. the press music reviews
    March 17, 2021

    I will get into them one day. And when I do it will be big time.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. badfinger20 (Max)
    July 4, 2021

    How did I miss this one? Hope you don’t mind me going back in time here… Love this song and album CB. This is the album that started the change. One or two takes and these guys kept the raw results…and it rocks.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      July 4, 2021

      Now look what you made me do. Listen to that damn song again. I want to be playing in that band. “Mind”? Are you kidding. I forgot about that now Im back in the saddle. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • badfinger20 (Max)
        July 4, 2021

        I know CB…I had to punish you by listening to that junk again! Fun song man and great album.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cincinnatibabyhead
        July 4, 2021

        Its stuck in my head as I type. Ive actually used Pauls “Ows” in my work. He wouldt mind.

        Liked by 1 person

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This entry was posted on October 21, 2018 by in 1983 Single, Paul Westerberg, Replacements, Rock N Roll and tagged , , .
