Cincinnati Babyhead

Speaks his mind on music & movies!

Movie : Goodfellas

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3 Guys driving at night. Half asleep, no conversation. We hear a  thumping. They look at each other. They pull off the road, open the trunk and finish killing the guy who was doing the thumping. Welcome to Goodfellas. We follow these 3 as they pursue the gangster lifestyle. Henry Hill, one of the 3 narrates their story from start to finish with all their criminal activities along the way.

Martin Scorsese makes a great film here. He is at the top of his game as a film-maker. He brings it all together using everyone on both sides of the camera in the process. When you have good writing and combine that with great acting and catch it with the camera you get success. More great characters than you can shake a wet noodle (pasta noodle) at.

Casting is top notch. Not one false move. The supporting cast is made up with realistic, off beat performances. The three leads have a tight chemistry. Ray Liotta playing the young guy learning the ropes from his two older buddies. Joe Pesci, certified crazy, off the rails, headcase heading for a big crash and Robert DeNiro as the more controlled but just as scary and violent headcase. I really like DeNiro’s work here. Understated, subtle, real and totally believable. What a good actor he is.

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One of the things I really like about this movie and I like a lot of it, is the soundtrack. As the years pass in the film the music keeps up with the times. So many good tunes used to enhance or color the scenes. Sort of an ‘American Graffiti’ feel. Just a little more violent. Good choices Marty.

Goodfellas might not be everyone’s cup of tea. It’s violent, vulgar, misogynistic and a whole lot of other unsavory things. Despite this it has some very funny moments. It’s not romanticized with honor and respect and all that shit. Scorsese shows these guy as the street thugs and dumb shits they are with all the warts and bruises. Living in their own little controlled world. They think they’re living the good life until they get fucking dead or end up in jail. No scholars in this story.

You really believe you are witnessing this world from the inside. Look at it as a learning experience. Learning how to be a gangster, learning how to be a Goodfella.


47 comments on “Movie : Goodfellas

  1. hanspostcard
    January 5, 2020

    I never get tired of watching this great movie. I don’t know how many times I’ve watched it over the years. Perfection.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. deKE
    January 5, 2020

    All-time classic CB! I love mob movies is this one is at or near the top!
    Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      January 5, 2020

      Thanks deKE. Yeah this is a god one for sure. The 3 leads are solid but Scorsese always sprinkles in great support. Did you ever see such a collection of perfect characters?


  3. 2loud2oldmusic
    January 5, 2020

    Love this one. It is a classic! They don’t make them this good anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      January 5, 2020

      They try but this is a pretty high bar to hit. Like I said in the take I think Scorsese was hitting on all cylinders.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Jim S.
    January 5, 2020

    CB knocks this one out of the park. A great, great film. I was supposed to meet a guy I work with to see it at the theater. The guy didn’t show so I got some popcorn, and watched it myself, unintentionally leading to many years of the joy of watching movies by myself. Not much to add here except that the end scene of Ray Liotta’s drug-fueled paranoia-by-helicopter with Nilsson playing on the soundtrack is a classic. “The Irishman” is good – and Pesci is great in it – but it doesn’t come close to this one.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      January 5, 2020

      Thanks Doc. Easy to talk about something you like. I get the watching solo thing. When I seen the Exorcist, my cousin gave a running commentary because he seen it already. Pain in the ass. Yeah that scene with Liotta and Harry is music and film coming together.
      Just watched The Irishman and I agree with your comment.


      • Jim S.
        January 5, 2020

        That would have been funny if your cousin had said “She’s gonna puke pea soup now” and then dropped some cold tea on your lap. I need to hear more CB on Irishman. Take coming up?

        Liked by 1 person

      • cincinnatibabyhead
        January 5, 2020

        He figured he was doing us a favor. I would have liked to spewed pea soup on him but he would have punched me out.
        No take on that Doc. Only music/film that CB really digs. I think I remember a bit of your take. I’m in the same school. Good but not like this one .


      • Jim S.
        January 5, 2020

        Oh, ok. So no big deal for you, eh?

        Liked by 1 person

      • cincinnatibabyhead
        January 5, 2020

        Good story, music and Pesci. When Pesci was calling DeNiro kid at the start ,, well that was kinda hard. The whole age thing. I like when they were on the road trip to do Hoffa.


  5. Yeah, Another Blogger
    January 5, 2020

    Hi CB. Can you believe I’ve never seen Goodfellas? One of these days I will.

    I think you’d like the new movie Uncut Gems. It’s a wild ride.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      January 5, 2020

      I know your feeling on the violence thing. This doesn’t hold back. But so much more going on. It’s almost like a documentary which I like. Could be called ‘Assholes’
      Just looked up your recommendation. Surprised on the cast. Interesting. Thanks.


  6. observationblogger
    January 6, 2020

    Scorsese made crime drama cinema feel rich again and then Casino. I just rewatched Good fellas again a week ago. Excellent. The Irishman for me at least was anything but great. It’s like watching Bobby Fischer in his later years trying to be impressive. Just abysmal.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Chris
    January 6, 2020

    I like your American Graffiti soundtrack comparison. The “I’m funny how” scene never gets old. I used to have a problem with the violence and language but I’ve accepted that is part of the gangster world.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      January 6, 2020

      Scorsese always has good music in his films. I think Robbie Robertson works with him a lot.
      Hard to portray these guys realistically any way but the way they are. Yeah it’s another world that he takes us into. Not for everyone.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. BuriedOnMars
    January 6, 2020

    Oh, this is my cup of tea! And I agree with the soundtrack. This movie had me searching for “the right version” of Muddy Water’s “Mannish Boy”. Have you watched The Irishman yet?

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      January 6, 2020

      ‘Mannish Boy’ is one of my all time fave songs (will be getting the CB treatment).
      Yes just watched it the other night. Not bad. Really good story but not in the same league a this film, in CB’s opinion. You seen it?
      Anyways, thanks for dropping by Mars. I’ve been peeking in at your place waiting for some new stuff. I’ll keep an eye out.

      Liked by 1 person

      • BuriedOnMars
        January 7, 2020

        I have seen it and thought it was pretty good. I’ll agree, it is not as good as Goodfellas or Casino but I would be satisfied if it became the final film were they all worked together.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cincinnatibabyhead
        January 7, 2020

        Worth a watch for that reason and more.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. hotfox63
    January 6, 2020

    A gangster episode as it should be. This includes “Casino”, “Once Upon A Time In America” and of course “The Godfather” in the Coppola version, and then you have something to do all weekend and then you don’t know longer why you should still going to work on monday and earning your money. Maybe you should look around for contacts of the Mafia in some local restaurant…

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      January 6, 2020

      I agree Fox. The only problem is, things seem to come to a bad end eventually but I guess you could take it a day at a time.

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      • hotfox63
        January 6, 2020

        Anyway, it would be better for me being a gangster than being the president of the United States.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cincinnatibabyhead
        January 6, 2020

        You live longer as a President. Plus you get away with all sorts of shady things and deals.

        Liked by 1 person

      • hotfox63
        January 7, 2020

        Life is deadly. But you’re probably right. That is why Mafia clans always have these successor problems.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. J.
    January 6, 2020

    Yes! Great take, CB – right in the money. This is one of my all time favourites… absolutely magnificent performances all round, with Liotta’s descent into drug fuelled paranoia unrivalled. In my opinion, this and Casino are the high points of mob cinema… Scorsese never bettered them… never even came close. You just can’t recreate what they had going on here.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      January 6, 2020

      Pretty hard to top those films for a decent into that world. Mean Streets was the warm up for those two.

      Liked by 1 person

      • J.
        January 7, 2020

        Ah, Mean Streets! Superb flick… absolutely.


  11. Tony
    January 10, 2020

    This film is top of the list for me, absofuckinlutely perfect

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  12. Francisco Bravo Cabrera
    January 18, 2020

    Great choice CB! One of my all time faves! This kind of movie shows talent, effort, hard work and creative ability of Scorcese and the great actors he chose. There was a time, back in the 80’s that if a movie didn’t have DeNiro in it I did not see it! All the best,

    Liked by 1 person

  13. parkermccoy
    January 19, 2020

    It does have one terrific soundtrack. This movie made me want to be a gangster until the second half. Then I decided to do something else. Anything else.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      January 19, 2020

      Pretend gangsters are ok, the real thing is a losing proposition. At least Martin didn’t glamorize it but he sure made it look fun for awhile.
      Thanks for popping by parkermccoy. I’ll check out your takes. I usually stick with film/music but sometimes I stretch my brain a little. It can only take so much.

      Liked by 1 person

      • parkermccoy
        January 19, 2020

        Haha. My brain’s on it’s last…stem I think. Yeah, Scrocese did a great job, like you say, show the perks and the temptations but clearly show the downside as well. Looking forward to your future posts! I gotta go now. There’s a knocking sound in my trunk…

        Liked by 1 person

      • cincinnatibabyhead
        January 19, 2020

        Ignore it. It’ll go away.

        Liked by 1 person

  14. William
    February 5, 2020

    i should watch this again sometime! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. badfinger20 (Max)
    August 8, 2020

    This is one of my favorite movies of all time CB. Also…forget the excellent acting…the music placement of Monkey Man and Jump Into The Fire is beyond great. I can’t listen to those songs now and not think of those scenes.

    Liked by 1 person

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