Cincinnati Babyhead

Speaks his mind on music & movies!

Movie Scene : On the Waterfont – Edie and Terry

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Terry and Edie end up in the park after a meeting they were attending got broken up by  some thugs.  Edie is the sister of Joey who was killed by the people Terry hangs with.  She doesn’t know about Terry’s connection.  They make small talk.  Terry asking her “if she’s training to be a nun?”.  He starts to take an interest in her telling her he remembers her when she was a kid “you was really a mess”.  He tells her he’s just kidding her.  She also remembers him as the kid who was always getting in trouble. They both start to take a liking to each other.  Terry asks “Am I going to see you again?” Edie answers ‘What For?”.  They sit in the silence for a moment then Terry walks her home.

Eva Maria Saint, Marlon Brando and Elia Kazan create a subtle, beautiful, truthful moment in film.  Like all great movie scenes the viewer feels like they’re right in the scene as it happens. The performances are perfect. Under Brando’s roughness and cockiness is a real tenderness and gentle touch.  It’s like he’s never been this close to a person like Edie before.  Eva Maria Saint plays the  comfortableness of being in this guy’s presence and at the same time showing fleeting interest.  Like Brando’s Terry,  her Edie has never been this close to someone like him.  Not a false note between them.  Great work.  Great scene.  Kazan just lets it happen and gets it on film.  A CB fave.   Check out the business when Brando takes the glove.  Love it


7 comments on “Movie Scene : On the Waterfont – Edie and Terry

  1. 1537
    November 5, 2017

    I still wonder how Brando could have been this good – he just lit up the screen.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      November 5, 2017

      Yeah, he was running on all cylinders here. Nothing pushed or false. In the moment. Eva Maria was right with him.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jim S.
    November 5, 2017

    When we talk about ‘they don’t make ’em like this any more,’ Exhibit A. Not only a great movie but also a social message. And whenever I don’t get something I really want, I have a tendency to say, “I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let’s face it.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      November 5, 2017

      “Exhibit A” is right Doc. Great input. This is such a great simple scene, pulled from a film that is made up of great scenes. It’s like favorite record , I have to play it every once in a while.


  3. Thom Hickey
    November 10, 2017

    One of the glories of Cinema. Staggering acting. Thom.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cincinnatibabyhead
      November 10, 2017

      I remember you featured this scene with a couple other takes. It was just more proof that CB and the Immortal Jukebox are on the same train. Yeah it’s stuff like this that keeps me coming back for more. Not a bad note in this moment.

      Liked by 1 person

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